Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hurricane Irene and my evacuation

So...Bye August see you next year I guess.
OY time flies when you're having fun, or when all your days seem the same and weekends aren't relaxing but whatever.
I had to evacuate for Hurricane Irene and by evacuate I mean I had a trip planned already and wasn't going to reschedule because some BEEZ named Irene wanted to sneeze on NY. I went to philly which was supposed to be a Delaware river floating weekend and just turned into watching too many movies and eating/drinking until you feel bad about yourself. I probably would have been better off in BK because my apartment sustained no damage and my lovely friend's apartment was leaking like cray dramatic
Other than that we drank a lot of beers and A LOT of boxed wine, never lost power which thank god because Genious MchighIQ only bought microwavable meals for us to eat so we would have had to eat someone and just saying, I'm a guest I shouldn't be eaten.

That's a life lesson...In case of emergency don't eat your guests. You're welcome

Friday, August 12, 2011

Chloe and the walk from Hell

So I lied about the vintage blog, I'll do that next week...gotta keep you guy (s) on your toes. So I'll tell you about the walk Chloe and I took yesterday that I like to call, "Walk from Hell"...I'm original.
First of all I'll Include another photo of Chloe so you remember her sassy attitude...Here's her in a backpack Keturah bought for her.The light always catches her eye so well.
So I decide to take chloe on a walk yesterday because this morning she peed on my cow skin rug which might mean she needs to go outside more. So we're bopping down the stairs and Chloe starts having an asthma attack which sounds like loud aggressive snoring. Thinking she was dying, I tried to sooth her transition to the afterlife by whispering things I think would sooth me. "Say hi to GOD for me.", "They probs let you pee anywhere you want in heaven.", "Maybe you'll get your eye back." The last one doesn't apply to me I have both eyes. (knock on wood)

After that was over she wagged her tail in assurance that she was going to live and was ready to pee all over bushwick. So we embark on our journey (around the block), and immediately run into a man walking his scary as hell miniature greyhound. He stops to let them smell each other's butts and I didn't want to be like, "Eww No Chloe! That dog looks like a praying mantis!" so I let her.
Don't look at me like that you spindly little shit, you know you're too delicate to be real.
While they were socializing, a man from the neighborhood offered to start an impromptu dog fight...I politely declines and dragged Chloe away from her new creepy friend.

At this point I'm over the walk, I want to make myself a grilled cheese and watch So you think you can dance. We walk past the grocery store and I hear a shrill cat cry/hiss/bitchfest and some fury mass charges from behind a dumpster and attacks Chloe.The cat was wearing a black belt and I saw his trophy case behind the dumpster and he had more than one karate Trophy.
I yanked her out of the brawl which I'm pretty sure she was losing and bitch slapped that cat with my foot (kind of kicked it, whatever it deserved it).
Chloe seems pretty much unfazed by the whole event even as scooped her up to make sure she still had her good eye. I basically made that weazy beazy run home for fear we might run into a gang of drug dealer bears who love to eat dogs.
All in all it was a pretty eventful time in Chloe's life and I'm sure she'd make it her facebook status if she had one...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Breast Friends?

I've decided to sign up for a Breast Cancer walk in 2012, giving me plenty of time to train and also raise the $2,300 I need to participate (Hint: Link below to donate, Give me money). With this decision comes a big commitment, not only do I have to raise some serious cash but I also have to walk 60 miles in three days without dying...So I will be walking around New York City/Brooklyn/wherever else walkable. I walked 13 miles last week and 4 so far this week...BRAGGING! I don't care it's my blog I can brag all I want.
Along the way I discovered some sweet stuff! Saturday I walked a few miles to the Salvation Army in Brooklyn. They have a LOT of clothes just be prepared to dig...I found some sweet dresses and while browsing the home section came along these babies...
Using this frame will lead to a divorce so bad you'll just donate your wedding photos... Lefty went all sponge bob square shoulders, that could have had something to do with it not working out. "I'm sick of your shoulder pads being bigger than your feelings for me carol!" Carol didn't mean to it just happened.
To donate to my efforts to save Breast Friends everywhere follow the link below...Tomorrow I share some vintage spots that make my eyes water with happiness and my wallet cry with emptiness.

Click here to visit my personal page.