Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Celebrity, celebrity

Stop with the N'SYNC references? NOPE not gonna.
I never see A-list celebrities. I saw Zack Effron in a train station once but he was like, 12 and it's not cool for a 21 year old girl to scream, "OMGIZZY stand with me while my friend takes a pic on his flip phone!!"
ANYWAYS, usually when I see a celeb I just think it's someone I met once and can't remember their name and it's really hard to google d-list celebrities when you have no idea what lifetime movie/dramatic recreation they were in. "girl who overdosed but then was ok in the end in that lifetime movie." "guy who was hot but a nerd for some reason and then in the end died and everyone appreciated him for who he was, (in that lifetime movie.)"
So why should today be any different? I. Saw. acelebrity this morning. To some he may not be D-list, I'm sure there's a woman out there who has a handlebar shaped shrine covered with french fries and statues of scary Ronald Mcdonalds (can you guess who I saw?) That's right! The guy from Super-size Me.I took this photo on the subway...I swear, whatever haters.
So yeah it was kind of a lame sighting but I told you in the first place I NEVER see A-list celebrities. You thought this was going to be about how I saw JZ and Benonce and coached them through the birth of their child which I then healed from prematurity with my tears of joy? SORRY, Ginger tears only cure awkward moments...


  1. Okay so you saw Morgan Spurlock, I think that's cool. I really want to see "The Greatest Movie Ever Sold" but it's always out at my fav Redbox. Anyhoo, nice try on the Z Efron siting because I remember you really did that.

  2. Thanks for the support Mom, you couldn't just make your name Kelly?
