Monday, October 17, 2011

I went to the Gym

Sorry Blog, I didn't mean to ignore you for so long but a beez gets busy every once in a while. (it's not once AND a while is it?) Google?
So while I was off flying around the united states and staying in fancy smancy hotels (seriously you should see my stolen slipper collection/how many little toiletries I have...
It's a lot.
ANYWAYS, A lot's happened in my life this past month I can't wait to share some of the stories (face Tatt0o?) but for now I'll tell you about my trip to the gym. As most of you know I enjoy a good half hour to an hour of not exercising so when I go to the G-Y-M I need to make it count. So I wore my fancy new NIKE (namedropper) gear and headed straight to the tread-mills. They were too crowded, which means there wasn't one available all by itself in an empty room which is how I prefer to sweat while my ladies (boobs) hurt from gravity. fuckin gravity. So I'm like, "hey! I'll sit and peddle, that'll be easy I bet I can do that for HOURS!"
..7 mintues later I trick myself into thinking I'm in Yoga class shape.
I'd like to say something about men who are super good at yoga. You're creepy. I'm never in my yoga class and saying "Wow look at the position that guy got his leg into...his knee is touching his forehead while he's balancing on one arm! I HEAR WEDDING BELLS!"Gross, a LEAN MEAN YOGA MACHI- nope, doesn't work, you're limber like a lady and I ain't into that. And sorry if there are women who are, you might be a lady liker...just think about it you might realize something about yourself.
Moral: I should go to the gym/write this blog more. It benefits everyone. Because the better I look, the better I look, and the better I look, the famouser (notaword) I'll be.

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