Monday, December 12, 2011

Burger It Up!

Ahhh Sunday...what a good day. My birthday was last week so I had a little get together at my apartment Saturday night. We drank, we ate, we were Merry. I was TOTALLY Merry by the end of the night so Sunday morning was a little rough.
As much as I wanted to lay around staring at the ceiling and trying not to barf I had an out-of-town guest who wanted to "take advantage of this beautiful day!" ...bitch.
So my friend and I take her to my fav vintage spot, let her loose and find a seat where the room isn't spinning. My nausea subsided and we headed over to Shops At The Loom, a great assortment of shops, bakeries, yoga studio/store and a cute cafe. I'll do a post about that later. This post is about my Sunday Savior "Burger it Up!"
Nothing says "cure my hangover" like Burgers/fries/sangria? Yeah, Sangria!
We take one look at the menu and can tell we're going to like it, not only do they have an interesting assortment of special burgers (Chimichurri, Vegi, Turkey) but they have the classics (classic burger and hot dogs)Nothing says "this is amazing" like spelling out your punctuation and then slapping some exclamation marks on it.
Doesn't that look
Loved the finishing touches to all the meals like you can choose between spicy or regular pickles, and seasoned or regular fries. Plus my hot dog was AWESOME.
So the next time you're roaming around Knickerbocker in search for greasy but great food, waddle over to Burger it up! Not only do they love exclamation points but you'll feel full of love and friendship after eating there.
Afterward I drove us all home in my new car...her name's Ulga.
Happy hangovers!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Defeating your enemy

Thanksgiving is over and because all I did was sleep until noon for 4 days I found it hard to go to sleep at a decent hour last night. I got 4 hours of sleep and for some reason I decided to wear super high-wedges to work today, a comfortable choice when it comes to height-enhancing foot wear but a less comfortable choice when compared to ohlet' bedazzled keds?

So I'm swaying back and forth from the naussia of being awake before 1pm and I'm not even on the train yet. The train comes, I enter, and immediately I have eagle eye on anyone who remotely adjusts themselves in their seat.
As a person who has fainted on the train due to a medication malfunction, (not my fault) I appreciate an available seat when feeling hot. And because of global warming and my refusal to acknowledge it's 65 and sunny I'm constantly a sweaty monster on the prowl for ass space.
Here's how to defeat your enemy (otherpeople).

1. You already have a leg up if you're a girl. Women are on the same page as disabled people as far as who deserves a seat so sorry if you're a man, you better just get used to standing. When in doubt, stick it out, people love giving up their seats to baby mamas.
2. Size up your competition, there are a few things that can help you judge how hard to push someone out of the way. Are they old enough to be called grandma? Do they look like they deserve a seat more than you? Let me explain further.
Today I had one other person to compete with for a seat, I concluded the following:
a. Her name is Sarah, giving her a plain name helped me feel superior to her because unlike Sarah, my name is spelled the same forwards and backwards, (it's racecar).
b. She has a weird hair braid that made it look like a child had done her hair, pretty sure she did it herself though. My hair was pretty on point today so I felt good about my chances to beat her at almost anything.

c. She's wearing Flats and I can see her "PERFECT FIT FOR FLATS!" socks sticking out. I am an amazon in my 5" jumbo clonkers and I painted the 3 toes that stick out, tricking my enemy into believing I have a fresh pedi on. Strike three biatch there's no way you're getting this seat.
Back to the numbers game...
3. Stake out your target, A husband and wife in business outfits rarely get off at the same stop, so when one kisses the other on the cheek, get ready. Don't be fooled by the woman who looks out the window at every f@*%ing stop, she's not getting off until the last stop she's just confused.
4. Angle yourself so that the person getting up has to pass by your opponent. The more extreme adjusting they have to do the better, it makes them feel awkward and unworthy of sitting.

Bottom line, Sarah was standing.
Another day another duel.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tandem Bike Rides

I wish...I would kill for a Tandem bike, just think about all the envious looks from hipsters wishing they had tandem bikes, but they don't, I do. Me and my imaginary friend Tammy would ride all up on a bitch.
Maybe that was weird, let's get to the point. Tandem. A lovely little bar/restaurant/dance hall in my Neighborhood. In past trips I've gone for brunch and ordered one or 3 of their AMAZING spicy Bloody Marys. They're almost a meal all by themselves with how hearty and delicious they are. Plus who doesn't like walking out of brunch feeling confused about the ratio of drunkeness to daylight? I know I don't.
They also make a mean biscuit, which they were out of the last time I graced them with my hungover presence. I shed a tear as I sat and ate my Frittata and kale salad disappointed with my decision to walk 4 blocks for a biscuit free breakfast...

BUT..what was to to appear before me in it's golden buttery flakey goodness?

Molly, our server, who may have been drinking (wasforsurewasted) surprised me at the last minute! I almost peed my pants when she yelled surprise! Mostly because I was scared out of my granny panties, she yelled it pretty loud. But after the shock and embarrassment of wizzing myself wore off I was super happy. My poor pickled body came alive with every bite and I felt more and more revived.
Not only do they have killer brunch and server's with personalities but they also have a kick-ass happy hour. You know how much I like $2 PBR's so it's no surprise that I love this place (because they have them, get it?)
It's super hipster to write your menu on a chalk board because it shows your customers you can change their shit around at any time. Keeps us in line.
Check back for a night review because they have a sweet as-heck dance room in the back that may or may not have a disco ball.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloweener (self hi-five)

I should have done a "How to Bushwick-up your Halloween" but I got busy sleeping and buying a couch.
So I'll do a wrap up! "oh yeah?" you say, "YEAH" I say, super serious like why would you need to confirm that?

I'll start with my fav little bitch in the whole world. You might have been wondering, "is she still alive?" yeah, she is. IT'S CHLOE!!!!
This is hipster because I bought it at Good Will and Chloe is a one-eyed horse which is super abstract and emo. With this costume she's saying, "I'm too cool to dress like a princess but still want the glitz and glamor in my presence."
Next is Someone I don't know but I'm jealous I didn't think of this...Halloween always leaves me with feelings of regret when I look on the Facebook and see a costume I want to be, but if I decide to copy them they'll look at my Facebook and be like, "Copy cat".Ever think of getting hugged from a mustache? Because your dreams just became a reality. A totally creepy hipster reality.
Another Hipster Halloween Move is to go in Drag...Which is what I decided to do...
JK that's not me, but this guy is my hero, If I looked that good in a pair of high-waisted khaki's you can bet your tiger chest tattoo I'd be Mr. Farah Fawcett every year.
Here's me for real...Height difference aside I think we make a pretty sweet looking Wayne and Garth. And all it took was some thrift store diving and a last minute hair cut! You don't like it? HAHA, man I got you, it's just a wig. My boyfriend Jon thought of this one because who doesn't love it when their girlfriend dresses like a lesbian?
...Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Aint no Party like a Bed Bug Party

Now Bed Bugs aren't usually the kind of thing you scream from the roof top, because they're gross and they're in your bed while you sleep...EWWW just thinking about it makes me itch. I want to inform the masses of what getting bed bugs is like for the average brooklynaire so here's my life as a BBS (bed bug survivor).

1. I didn't get bites (because I have super strong skin...TRUTH) my roomy did, sorry K you're skin isn't as strong as mine. Bites are just itchy and red and can literally look like any type of bug bite.

2. We found out our neighbor had them which allowed us to call and make our landlord take IMMEDIATE action. I strongly suggest finding anyone to blame but yourself not only does it make you feel better about it, but your wallet will be so in love you'll need to get a restraining order. You hear me wallet you stay away.

3. When the exterminator says bag everything up, he means EVERYTHING. I didn't know this. I bagged up soft things like blankets and my Beanie Baby collection, haha, just kidding I don't have that (yesidoandi'llmakemillions) So the exterminator shows up and is like, "senorita, when I say bag everything, I mean EVARRRYTHING." (it's hard to spell a spanish accent but say it with an accent when you read it allowed to your friends.) This led to me frantically stuffing everything I own in plastic bags.
The plastic bags suffocate the little chompers and you have to keep your shit in a bag for 5 days (at least).

4. Another thing that can kill them is heat so I bagged up everything I could wash and headed to my favorite local hot spot for some good ol' washin and dryin. Tip: The owners of the laundromat will want to stop you from putting your clothes in the dryer for 2 hours on high. They're afraid you'll ruin your clothes and blame them. To make them stop yelling at you in Chinese calmly whisper "I have beg bugs, I need to kill them" to their English speaking son. He will then frantically translate this to his parents and they'll slowly back away shaking their heads until they dart away at a full sprint screaming "NOOOO". Nobody wants to hangout with a bed bugged bitch. I also suggest telling creepy guys at bars, they'll slowly back away shaking their heads until they dart away at a full sprint screaming "NOOOO". (too good to be said just once)

5. After the nice man with the spray comes and you sleep on an bare mattress for 5 days shivering bc your jammies are bagged away and you can't remember which unmarked bag their in, you're CURED!...maybe not, some peeps need to get sprayed again, we don't thank god, either that or we've just learned to live them and K's developed my alligator like skin.

No photos this's for your own good.

Monday, October 17, 2011

I went to the Gym

Sorry Blog, I didn't mean to ignore you for so long but a beez gets busy every once in a while. (it's not once AND a while is it?) Google?
So while I was off flying around the united states and staying in fancy smancy hotels (seriously you should see my stolen slipper collection/how many little toiletries I have...
It's a lot.
ANYWAYS, A lot's happened in my life this past month I can't wait to share some of the stories (face Tatt0o?) but for now I'll tell you about my trip to the gym. As most of you know I enjoy a good half hour to an hour of not exercising so when I go to the G-Y-M I need to make it count. So I wore my fancy new NIKE (namedropper) gear and headed straight to the tread-mills. They were too crowded, which means there wasn't one available all by itself in an empty room which is how I prefer to sweat while my ladies (boobs) hurt from gravity. fuckin gravity. So I'm like, "hey! I'll sit and peddle, that'll be easy I bet I can do that for HOURS!"
..7 mintues later I trick myself into thinking I'm in Yoga class shape.
I'd like to say something about men who are super good at yoga. You're creepy. I'm never in my yoga class and saying "Wow look at the position that guy got his leg into...his knee is touching his forehead while he's balancing on one arm! I HEAR WEDDING BELLS!"Gross, a LEAN MEAN YOGA MACHI- nope, doesn't work, you're limber like a lady and I ain't into that. And sorry if there are women who are, you might be a lady liker...just think about it you might realize something about yourself.
Moral: I should go to the gym/write this blog more. It benefits everyone. Because the better I look, the better I look, and the better I look, the famouser (notaword) I'll be.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Celebrity, celebrity

Stop with the N'SYNC references? NOPE not gonna.
I never see A-list celebrities. I saw Zack Effron in a train station once but he was like, 12 and it's not cool for a 21 year old girl to scream, "OMGIZZY stand with me while my friend takes a pic on his flip phone!!"
ANYWAYS, usually when I see a celeb I just think it's someone I met once and can't remember their name and it's really hard to google d-list celebrities when you have no idea what lifetime movie/dramatic recreation they were in. "girl who overdosed but then was ok in the end in that lifetime movie." "guy who was hot but a nerd for some reason and then in the end died and everyone appreciated him for who he was, (in that lifetime movie.)"
So why should today be any different? I. Saw. acelebrity this morning. To some he may not be D-list, I'm sure there's a woman out there who has a handlebar shaped shrine covered with french fries and statues of scary Ronald Mcdonalds (can you guess who I saw?) That's right! The guy from Super-size Me.I took this photo on the subway...I swear, whatever haters.
So yeah it was kind of a lame sighting but I told you in the first place I NEVER see A-list celebrities. You thought this was going to be about how I saw JZ and Benonce and coached them through the birth of their child which I then healed from prematurity with my tears of joy? SORRY, Ginger tears only cure awkward moments...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What I did Instead of the Gym

Some how my friend Gabe always has something to do with me not going to the gym, positive? Negative? who cares! This week was a good week for avoiding the gym because it rained like a motha and all I wanted to do was cuddle under a billion blankets and watch Law and Order SVU (nightmaretown here I come!)
SO, It's Ga(y)be's birthday today so what did I decide to do? Make a rainbow cake DUH. Nothing like a flaming rainbow cake to say "ANOTHER YEAR AND YOU'RE STILL QUEER!!"

And because I'm a really good friend/want a lot of compliments I made it from scratch (including the frosting which, like, not even your mom does that.)
Look at all those ingredients, mixing together to make a cake full of LOVE.
WHO KNEW that red velvet cake is regular cake with a dash (2 tablespoons) of coco powder and 2 tablespoons of red food coloring? I didn't. I was always so impressed when people made things other than chocolate or vanilla but I take back all my admiration for them because it's actually really easy: Recipe here
Also I lied about the frosting it's not from scratch sorry I'm not sorry.
Look at how BORING that cake batter looks, not flamboyant at all HOW can I make it more gay as a tank top?
DYE THE SHIT out of it and strategically rainbow layer it, THAT'S HOW. Baking it was kind of a pain in the booty but I had three circular pans that I rotated through the oven. Once they all cooled I stacked them with icing. YUMMY YUM FRIENDSHIP.

Slather that baby with frosting and you get this...
ooo, aaa, rustic (that's my word for kind of shitty looking)..I ran out of frosting so the coverage wasn't perfect, thought that counts? no? whateva yo I don't see anyone else around here making a rainbow cake.
And so the reveal, Cutting into it is the best part because A. everyone's really impressed and thinks I'm cool. B. it means it's time to eat it. And C is for Cake.Just look at that thing, I mean, have you ever? We had extra cake which meant we gave it out to the tables around us...a guy asked for my card like I'm a profesh baker which I pretended to be. Annamakesrainbowcakes@jealous?.com
All in all it was a lovely night of beer drinking and socializing at Loreley Restaurant and Bier Garden. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GABE!Balloon made my Kara Kelly, Banner made by my printer at work.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Before and After

I got my hair did and now I look flossy flossy.
I went to Beehive which I've been to before and and always feel like a million pennies (it's still a lot of money) walking out the door. This time I decided to go big or go home and go with a seasoned hair stylist which is a little more expensive but it's Friday night and I just just just got PAID! (money money money money). If you don't get that reference I don't get you.
ANYWAYS Jenn my stylist was, listened to my lack of hair knowledge and turned me into a movie star.. or reality tv star whichever you idolize more I'm cooler than them now. On the way home someone asked for my autograph, a man asked me to marry him and a new born baby learned how to speak just to tell me how good I looked.
So I give you...a before and after...Let me explain. BEFORE: look how crazy I look...that hair is a mess and it's so long it doesn't even fit in the photo. AFTER: I'm so happy I'm not even mad someone is giving me bunny ears...
Go to Beehive and get yer hair did you won't regret it.

PS here's a photo fail:How do girls who still have myspace do it?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hurricane Irene and my evacuation

So...Bye August see you next year I guess.
OY time flies when you're having fun, or when all your days seem the same and weekends aren't relaxing but whatever.
I had to evacuate for Hurricane Irene and by evacuate I mean I had a trip planned already and wasn't going to reschedule because some BEEZ named Irene wanted to sneeze on NY. I went to philly which was supposed to be a Delaware river floating weekend and just turned into watching too many movies and eating/drinking until you feel bad about yourself. I probably would have been better off in BK because my apartment sustained no damage and my lovely friend's apartment was leaking like cray dramatic
Other than that we drank a lot of beers and A LOT of boxed wine, never lost power which thank god because Genious MchighIQ only bought microwavable meals for us to eat so we would have had to eat someone and just saying, I'm a guest I shouldn't be eaten.

That's a life lesson...In case of emergency don't eat your guests. You're welcome

Friday, August 12, 2011

Chloe and the walk from Hell

So I lied about the vintage blog, I'll do that next week...gotta keep you guy (s) on your toes. So I'll tell you about the walk Chloe and I took yesterday that I like to call, "Walk from Hell"...I'm original.
First of all I'll Include another photo of Chloe so you remember her sassy attitude...Here's her in a backpack Keturah bought for her.The light always catches her eye so well.
So I decide to take chloe on a walk yesterday because this morning she peed on my cow skin rug which might mean she needs to go outside more. So we're bopping down the stairs and Chloe starts having an asthma attack which sounds like loud aggressive snoring. Thinking she was dying, I tried to sooth her transition to the afterlife by whispering things I think would sooth me. "Say hi to GOD for me.", "They probs let you pee anywhere you want in heaven.", "Maybe you'll get your eye back." The last one doesn't apply to me I have both eyes. (knock on wood)

After that was over she wagged her tail in assurance that she was going to live and was ready to pee all over bushwick. So we embark on our journey (around the block), and immediately run into a man walking his scary as hell miniature greyhound. He stops to let them smell each other's butts and I didn't want to be like, "Eww No Chloe! That dog looks like a praying mantis!" so I let her.
Don't look at me like that you spindly little shit, you know you're too delicate to be real.
While they were socializing, a man from the neighborhood offered to start an impromptu dog fight...I politely declines and dragged Chloe away from her new creepy friend.

At this point I'm over the walk, I want to make myself a grilled cheese and watch So you think you can dance. We walk past the grocery store and I hear a shrill cat cry/hiss/bitchfest and some fury mass charges from behind a dumpster and attacks Chloe.The cat was wearing a black belt and I saw his trophy case behind the dumpster and he had more than one karate Trophy.
I yanked her out of the brawl which I'm pretty sure she was losing and bitch slapped that cat with my foot (kind of kicked it, whatever it deserved it).
Chloe seems pretty much unfazed by the whole event even as scooped her up to make sure she still had her good eye. I basically made that weazy beazy run home for fear we might run into a gang of drug dealer bears who love to eat dogs.
All in all it was a pretty eventful time in Chloe's life and I'm sure she'd make it her facebook status if she had one...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Breast Friends?

I've decided to sign up for a Breast Cancer walk in 2012, giving me plenty of time to train and also raise the $2,300 I need to participate (Hint: Link below to donate, Give me money). With this decision comes a big commitment, not only do I have to raise some serious cash but I also have to walk 60 miles in three days without dying...So I will be walking around New York City/Brooklyn/wherever else walkable. I walked 13 miles last week and 4 so far this week...BRAGGING! I don't care it's my blog I can brag all I want.
Along the way I discovered some sweet stuff! Saturday I walked a few miles to the Salvation Army in Brooklyn. They have a LOT of clothes just be prepared to dig...I found some sweet dresses and while browsing the home section came along these babies...
Using this frame will lead to a divorce so bad you'll just donate your wedding photos... Lefty went all sponge bob square shoulders, that could have had something to do with it not working out. "I'm sick of your shoulder pads being bigger than your feelings for me carol!" Carol didn't mean to it just happened.
To donate to my efforts to save Breast Friends everywhere follow the link below...Tomorrow I share some vintage spots that make my eyes water with happiness and my wallet cry with emptiness.

Click here to visit my personal page.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Empanadas Por Favore

Spanish, I don't speak it, but I can eat it like a pro so I attempt to speak it when in the presence of the food and it never gets offended if I mis-pronounce things or just put e's on the end of words (porke, get the picture e). And if it does, I'm about to eat it which is the ultimate diss...
I made empanadas and I will say, they were supere awesomee. So I'm going to share my recipe/process with you...
Things you'll need...

Empanada wrappers 10 or so...( you can buy them, Goya makes them or here's the recipe for home-made) (but you're not better than me if you make them yourself just so you're not)
1 lb ground pork or chicken or beef Whatever you want (I used pork)
1 Portabella mushroom
3 cloves garlic (less or more, I love garlic so..)
1 white onion
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons soy/teriyaki sauce (I know it's not spanish but it's GOOD trust me)
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Red Chili peppers to taste (or chili powder)
Cooking oil for frying

SO...brown the meat in a pan until it's totally cooked. In the meantime chop your onion, garlic, mushroom and mix together in a bowl. Add your spices/sauce and mix together.I chopped the SHIT out of that mushroom.
Once the meat is cooked take it out of the pan and set aside in a bowl. Add 2 tablespoons olive oil and all the veggies/spices. Cook those babies up until they're, um, cooked? it's about 8-10 minutes.
Now add your meat to the veggie mixture and mix it up like an empanada filling party.
Lay out your empanada dough circles and glob about 2 large spoonfulls into the center. Fold that sucker over and make a little half circle pouch of friendship.
I pressed the edges down with a fork to trick my friends into thinking I'm fancy (by friends I mean Chloe, she wasn't impressed). I froze a bunch for later use, but the amount of dough I had was perfect for the amount of filling I had (because I'm a culinary master).
Final step is to fry them. I'm scared of being blinded by flying oil, and so should you so use a large pot and fill it about 1 1/2" worth of oil. Over medium heat pop those babies in the oil and it takes max 1 minute (30 secs on each side). Basically until they're a golden brown..."Gracias por las empanadas amable seƱora"
"De nada"

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What I did Instead of the Gym

I set a goal to go the gym everyday this week. Which usually turns into 2 or 3 (or 1) times a week. Monday I went but now I'm getting a cold so any excuse I can find I'll take it. Like last night! I'm on my way to the gym (already have my running shoes on)...Pure sass.

and I get a call from my friend Gabe (Gay Gabe specifically...or Gayby) and he's like, "drinks?" and I'm like, "YES"...Gym was really pissed at me but I was all,Gym got the picture....
We went to Crocodile Lounge on the lower east side. For every drink you buy you get a personal pizza so...that's better than sweating my "B" off for sure. Right?...Are you there Pizza it's me Anna?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Look at this car wreck!HOW? you ask, "was everyone ok?" NO idea. There were ambulances but they didn't have anyone in them (I peaked, sue me). There were just a bunch of neighbors standing around but they were just there to survey the aftermath. I chose this photo because of the beaming sunlight illuminating the scene, as if GOD's looking down and saying, "my B!"...everyone makes mistakes G we'll let it go this time...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Hoboken "You're Jokin'"

So I went to Hoboken on Friday for my friend Britney's birthday. She recently had foot surgery so she was one cruches...In case you don't know what crutches look like?
Anyways, the Path. I personally don't think highly of New Jersey, specifically it's residents, sorry I'm not sorry. BUT...this one event might have swayed my view. My friend had gone directly to happy hour after work (she gets out at three on Fridays) we met at "the Path" around 9:30. She was pretty drunk.
We get off at our stop in Hoboken and my phone starts Vibin' and it's Kara. I'm like, "look ya drunk beez your phone is calling me from your purse" and she's like, "nope, it's not here"...
Someone on the train had given her phone to the train conductor who called me. He delayed the train to bring it to us outside the station...What a gem.
Then we attractive

Friday, July 22, 2011

Gotham On a Thursday Night

Last night was a weiiird night. First off, 5,000 degrees in my apartment and, I watched the finale of Gordon Ramsey's Best Restaurant and my fav didn't win (shout out to Prashad!). Needless to say I needed a cold one and I needed it fast.
So where do you go when you live in Bushwick and you can't manage to make it to Williamsburg to pay $5,000 (my new favorite exaggeration number) for a PBR? GOTHAM, that's where. It's a comic book/action figure themed bar that serves $2 PBR's that you can add a shot to for $3...I also live extremely close to it which makes it IDEAL for crawling home.
They have a PROJECTOR! so you can watch MOVIES. Last night they played Kick Ass which I had never seen but it almost made me cry even though there was no sound.
One last thing that made this night weird/great. When my room mate and I show up there's two other people there. They leave shortly after we arrive which means we were the only people there! we got to dance by ourselves which made the bar tender super uncomfortable...doesn't make sense because our dance moves are AMAZ.

Later more people showed up but by then I had had $14 worth of PBR's and was ready to pass out under my air conditioner.
Go to Gotham.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Laundry mat...?

I have never done laundry in a laundromat....(also I thought it was "laundry mat" until I just googled it)
whatever, I did it last night, there's one across the street from my apartment so from my room mate's window I can see when it's done!...MAGIC.
Everything worked out, my stuff didn't get stolen which is what I was worried about. I worked up a mighty sweat folding it out of the dryer which is nothing new. One thing that confused me was the guys doing the laundry that had been dropped off...they touch your underwear?
I'm not a germaphobey freak but I don't think I'd like the laundry folder and his son (a young boy cough child labor) touching what touches my booty...and other stuff. Like I can afford to drop off my laundry anyways, rich people problems.
On another note Hispanic game shows are confusing and overwhelming and don't bring your infant to a hotasshit "laundromat" and then get mad when it cries.
my Monday night hangout

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day, more than I can count

I've lived in Bushwick for two years now and after e-mailing my family a few lovely stories of my adventures and getting a nice response I've decided to blogaboutit. Tell you all about my life here in BK...because it's pretty cool/scary/you don't know if it's dog or human poop.

To start: I Just moved to a new place with my room mate Keturah who I knew from school and her dog Chloe who happens to have only one eye...see below. Don't bring it up if you ever meet her she doesn't know and don't have the heart to tell her.

She's showing you her good eye...

To Middle: Keturah found a waterbug in her room yesterday and had a very dramatic reaction which included shrill screams and slapping it with a broom. Sorry downstairs neighbors. She also fell off the stool that she was kneeling on. Waterbug is a nice word for cockroach...SICK.
To End: That photo totally grosses me out...Maybe I can make it more pleasant?...
YUP sexy...I'm off to cuddle with this hotty