Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hurricane Irene and my evacuation

So...Bye August see you next year I guess.
OY time flies when you're having fun, or when all your days seem the same and weekends aren't relaxing but whatever.
I had to evacuate for Hurricane Irene and by evacuate I mean I had a trip planned already and wasn't going to reschedule because some BEEZ named Irene wanted to sneeze on NY. I went to philly which was supposed to be a Delaware river floating weekend and just turned into watching too many movies and eating/drinking until you feel bad about yourself. I probably would have been better off in BK because my apartment sustained no damage and my lovely friend's apartment was leaking like cray dramatic
Other than that we drank a lot of beers and A LOT of boxed wine, never lost power which thank god because Genious MchighIQ only bought microwavable meals for us to eat so we would have had to eat someone and just saying, I'm a guest I shouldn't be eaten.

That's a life lesson...In case of emergency don't eat your guests. You're welcome

1 comment:

  1. HAHHAHHAA! I didn't know you took a picture! You're hilarious, and amazing.
